Community Initiatives



It is long past the time where we can accept things as they are. Policy Over Politics is committed to highlighting movements and individuals that are furthering equality in our city. Many of our neighbors have been forgotten by the politicians that exist to serve them. It is unfair and unjust, and will only be resolved when communities rally around themselves.

This is no longer an issue we can put to the side. The only way forward is together, as one community.

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Government Reform

Politicians have not provided adequate resources to foster a healthy community. Due to our experiences on the front lines of the political process, we recognize the clear divide between representatives and constituents.

We accepted the status quo, as we used to see very little opportunity to create true change. But that is no longer the case. The people have a very strong voice, when unified.

We are watching the political landscape closely, to make sure all leaders are held accountable for their decisions.


Community Outreach

Outreach begins where compassion and empathy meet effort. Regardless of our tax bracket, 2020 has made the struggles of our community all the more evident.

It is always okay to ask for help, if you don’t need the help, all the more reason to help others. From food banks to veteran services, Policy Over Politics highlights those resources, and directs them to those who need it most. It’s our job to make sure the community knows about the opportunities that are available.

Community Collaborations


A.B. Jones & Co.

Sustainable Farming Supply & Food Distribution


I Love to Glean

San Diego Food Distribution & Education


Step Socal

Enlisted Veteran Support Program